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Buyer Persona Lesson Plan


Our Buyer Persona lesson plan includes readings, videos, and activities to help you teach your students 

Teach your students about buyer personas

There are currently 3.2 billion internet users, but only a select few will become customers of any one business. How can an entire company align around attracting, converting, closing and delighting the right group of people? The answer is Buyer Personas. 

Buyer personas are semi-fictional, generalized representations of your ideal customers. Personas help everyone at a business -- in marketing, sales, product, and services -- internalize the ideal customer they’re trying to attract, and relate to their customers as real humans.

  • This lesson plan is designed to help students learn about buyer personas and their importance when it comes to segmenting and targeting their customer base. Understanding who you are customers are is one of the most important of creating an effective and efficient sales and marketing strategy.

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