Teach your students the ins and outs of an effective loyalty program through delighting their most engaged followers. Using the HubSpot took stack, students will go through the process of identifying evangelists of their business and how to engage with them to give them lifelong fans that can prove to be vital for a company's longevity and success.
In this course, students will focus on delighting their most engaged followers through a loyalty program. Having lifelong fans is something that every business wants, but very few focus on. Using the HubSpot tool stack, students will go through the process of identifying the evangelists for their business, engaging with those people, and highlighting their fans in their marketing efforts. This course requires students to do the critical thinking of how they will delight their best customers and connect that with the specific tools they need to execute this. Multiple HubSpot tools may be used, and students may use whichever tools they feel are necessary.
We are focusing on the highest level of the Seventh Level Engagement Framework in this assignment. This is considered Literate Thinking, and is characterized by a person’s reflection using prior knowledge, experience, feelings and values; a direct alignment with their personal beliefs leading to loyalty and action without incentive. This means that the mission of the business has aligned with that person’s perception of themself. They connect the mission of your company with their self-identity and want to share it with the world without being prompted.
Before Starting the Course:
Amanda Slavin's Brand Engagement Course
Note: Enrolling in this course requires creating an account with CatalystCreativ
Recommended: The Seventh Level: Transform Your Business Through Meaningful Engagement with Your Customers and Employees
Included in Course Assignments: