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Frequently Asked Questions

HubSpot Micro-Internship Program

Learn more about how you and your company can start working with the next generation of talent!

About Micro-Internships

Micro-Internships are short-term (up to 20 hours) professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. Click here to see Parker Dewey's library of example Micro-Internships.

Examples of Micro-Internships include:

  • market research
  • assisting in lead generation
  • crafting internal and external communication materials
  • Data cleaning 

A good Micro-Internship: 

  • Provides feedback: Clients should be enthusiastic about working with students who are new to their field and eager to learn more. By providing feedback students are more likely to enjoy working with you and helps to avoid the work feeling purely transactional. 
  • Is clear and realistic: Clearly communicate the challenges students will solve within a reasonable timeframe. No student wants to be set up to fail. 
  • Includes context and detail: Why does your company want this project done? What outcome does the company desire?

Employers typically expect deliverables between one week and one month after project kickoff, depending on the nature of the project and the needs of the employer.

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Parker Dewey is an organization that specializes in coordinating micro-internships between employers and highly-motivated students. Employers (that's you!) can post micro-internships on their platform, and eligible students apply to them.

HubSpot's Workforce Development Program (also know as the Education Partner Program) has partnered with Parker Dewey to facilitate these exchanges between companies that use HubSpot and students taught by HubSpot Education Partners. 

HubSpot's Education Partner Program provides college and university professors with everything they need to teach leading courses in marketing, sales, entrepreneurship, and communications.

We aim to bring the theory and practice of running and growing a business into the classroom to better prepare our future leaders for today's workforce. We provide professors with access to free HubSpot software, Academy certifications, teaching resources, community, and student development programming. 

We currently have over 2,603 professors from 1,508 institutions globally. 

Although the work may be similar to what an intern would do for your company, micro-internship projects differ in several key ways: 
  • Traditional interns are typically hired for a certain period of time and work on projects as they arise. A Micro-intern's commitment to your company is done once they complete the project.  

  • Internships typically are timed around the academic calendar. However, because micro-internships are short,  you can work with a micro-intern nearly any time of the year.  This also gives students additional flexibility to earn income and practice their skills throughout the year at times that work best for them. 

  • The business relationship between your Micro-Intern and your organization is with Parker Dewey itself, which means that 1) your interns are not employees of your company. They are paid by Parker Dewey as Independent Contractors. 2) There is no administrative, accounting, or HR burden for your company.

Our Micro-Internship students are coming from college and university institutions from across the US and Canada with professors currently enrolled in HubSpot's Education Partner Program. Students have often taken HubSpot Academy certifications and are familiar with HubSpot software. 

Since you know the skills, personality, and profile that are required to best execute your Micro-Internship project, it is up to you to determine how you want to evaluate candidates. 

In your project posting you can list specific required skills and add additional evaluation questions.

Many organizations select a student based solely on their profile and answers to project-specific questions, though some also request samples, or conduct phone interviews. 

Employment: Micro-Interns are not your employees, contractors, interns, temps, or freelancers. Similar to working with a consulting firm or any other service provider, you are engaging Parker Dewey LLC to complete the assignment, and each individual you select is a contractor or employee of Parker Dewey. 

Liability: Parker Dewey takes full liability for the deliverable of each student.  Not happy with the work product? Parker Dewey will give you a full refund or find an alternate Career Launcher. 

Work Product: All work product is owned by you. 

Confidentiality: While most projects involve public-facing information of a non-sensitive nature, both Parker Dewey and all students sign strict NDAs to protect your information. In addition to the standard provisions, the students understand that they are risking their academic transcript or expulsion for any violation of confidentiality.

Background Checks: Given the short-term nature and structure of these assignments, we do not conduct background checks. 

Please also note that HubSpot is not liable for any costs or damages arising out of or related to your transactions with the job seekers or candidates and will not allow Employers to post jobs that appear to discriminate against applicants on the basis of race, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability, gender or any other discriminatory ground. 

Program Eligibility, Requirements, & Expectations

For a limited time, HubSpot will fund one project per eligible customer for up to $350 USD per project for up to 20 hours of work. This is effectively a free opportunity for your organization as long as fair payment for your project is $350 USD at most. 

If the scope of your first project is valued at over $350 USD, your organization will cover whatever balance is owed to the student. 

If you decide to hire a second micro-intern, HubSpot will provide a $175 credit toward hiring your second Micro-Intern and your company will pay the remaining $175. (new customers and partners only)

For your third project, and beyond, the client will pay the full cost of the micro-internship project directly to Parker Dewey. 

For each project, you are welcome to set your own price. Please ensure that the price is fair for the number of hours expected. On average, companies set the price at $20-$25 per estimated hour. 

Yes! Thank you for helping to make our program a success. 

We encourage clients who participated in the micro-internships program in 2022 to post new projects and hire micro-interns again this year. Any HubSpot clients from 2022 who decide to participate again this year will receive priority promotion among students and we would love to showcase you as a "Preferred Early Talent Partner."

However, as we'd like to extend benefits to customers who have not hosted a micro-intern before, we will not be able to cover the cost of your first micro-intern project and you will not receive a $175 credit toward a second project. You will work directly with Parker Dewey, who will invoice you for any micro-interns you would like to take on. 

Please note, this does not impact the eligibility of another individual from your company (who is new to the program) from participating and receiving this year's benefits.


All paying HubSpot Customers and Solutions Partners are eligible to participate in the Micro-Internship program. Clients should also ensure that they are a “good fit”. A “good fit” client is one that:

  • Is happy and comfortable using HubSpot
  • Has a point-of-contact who is enthusiastic about working with and providing feedback to students. 
  • Has a compelling project that involves some creativity and complexity that an employee currently doesn’t have the bandwidth to complete that can also be done within 5-40 hours. 

Yes, the more projects, the merrier! 

Eligibility is tied to clients (individuals working at a company). Multiple clients within a company are eligible to participate in the program and HubSpot will cover the cost of each new client's first project. 

Each client (individual) should make their own Parker Dewey profile. 

No. If you decide to hire a student for a traditional internship or full-time role off the platform, there is no "finder's fee" to be paid to Parker Dewey. In fact, we love it when this happens so let us know if it does! We would love to feature you, your company, and the student. 

Our program does not limit the number of projects that an individual client can propose. We also do not limit the number of employees from a particular company who are able to work with micro-interns. 

Getting Started

Great! Follow the below tutorial or steps to post a project using a pre-scoped template or a custom project:

Video Tutorial:


Step-by-step Instructions:

1. Explore and click a Pre-Scoped Project Template or Custom Project Template here

2. After clicking on the template, you will either sign up for a new Parker Dewey profile (as an employer) or log into your existing account

3. After logging in, you can customize the template to fit your organization's needs.

  • Be sure to include "HubSpot Education Partner" as the affiliation. This tag filters your post so that HubSpot Education Partner Program students can view and apply, and if this is your first or second micro-internship post, the affiliation tag funds/subsidizes the micro-internship so that it is at no cost or lower cost to you.

Note: "Amount you pay (per Micro-Intern)" is required to be filled out, however you will not be charged.

HubSpot Education Partner Affiliation Tag

4. Once your project is posted, HubSpot Education Partner Program students from across the US and Canada will see your project and apply if they are interested.

5. You can review applications as soon as they are received. From there, select the student you believe to be the best fit for your project and begin working together. 


Your posting should include the following information: 

  • Project Name
  • Your Department 
  • Project Description: Effective descriptions should give a brief overview of your company, introduce students to your work, and outline the overall objectives of the project.
  • Estimated Hours 
  • Cost - if this is your first project, covered by HubSpot, put $350. If this is not your first project you are welcome to set your own price. Please ensure that the price is fair for the number of hours expected. On average, companies set the price at $20-$25 per estimated hour. 
  • Project Start and End Date
  • Affiliation: HubSpot Education Partner

Typically, it takes about 5 minutes to post a project. Feel free to review Parker Dewey's Project Library.

Feel free to take a look at Parker Dewey's FAQ page, here

Reach out to us at hubspot@parkerdewey.com, and we will be in touch.