
The Great Upskill

In our rapidly changing world, there's always more to learn. Learning and upskilling are essential for both personal and business growth, yet we de-prioritise learning when work and life get busy. Tomorrow's problem is fast becoming today's, so what are organisations doing about it?

What is The Great Upskill?

The Great Upskill is a movement of organisations in the Asia-Pacific region who are dedicated to walking the walk on learning and upskilling for their team members.

By participating in The Great Upskill, employees from HubSpot, Google, Aircall, Seismic, RISE by Digital BCG Academy, MessageMedia, Meltwater and EngageRocket will have a day dedicated to their own learning and upskilling during the week of May 9th to 13th. 

Why are these organisations joining The Great Upskill?

In the rapidly changing professional world, dedicated time for continued education is essential both for employees and for businesses. While it's easy to agree that learning and upskilling are important, findings from HubSpot research may surprise you:

  • The majority of Australian and Singaporean workers agree that upskilling is the first item to get bumped to the bottom of the to-do list when work comes in. Even though we know this is critical to help us perform better in our roles and grow personally and professionally.
  • Employees across both countries wish their employers placed higher importance on job-related learning and upskilling, and
  • Learning and development opportunities are at the top of the priority list for employees and, in many cases, are of higher importance to employees than salary!

“We know talent want to be constantly learning and upskilling but struggle to find the time to dedicate to it outside of work hours. We are serious about helping our team upskill and it’s why, together with our partners, we are starting the The Great Upskill movement. We hope more businesses understand the importance of upskilling, and dedicate the time and resources for their team to do so.”

Kat Warboys

APAC Marketing Director


team learning
  1. Supported by Google

    Supported by Google

    Google believes that everyone deserves the tools and skills that set them up for success in building the future they want for themselves. 

    That’s why they are excited to partner with and support HubSpot’s World Certification Week and participate in The Great Upskill, which have a mission to raise awareness and recognise the importance of lifelong learning and education.

    Join the Google Masterclass

What are participating organisations doing during The Great Upskill?

For HubSpot's Great Upskill, we’ll be facilitating a series of themed workshops, along with surfacing a wide range of learning options for our team to access and commit to - including tapping into key skills we know our employees want to deepen.

Every organisation involved can run the day as they see fit - from self-paced learning, to live sessions with guest speakers - and program their content to meet their business and employee needs - from prescribed learning, to opening up the scope for employees or managers to choose their focus areas.

How can I participate in The Great Upskill?

The Great Upskill is part of HubSpot's World Certification Week, a global virtual event where individuals are encouraged to learn, connect and grow by dedicating time to their professional development.

For media: If you'd like to enquire about The Great Upskill, please get in touch.

For organisations: If you're interested in learning more about The Great Upskill and how you can join the movement in 2023, please reach out. 

For individuals: If you'd like to participate in The Great Upskill, you can join us by  dedicating time to your own upskilling during World Certification Week. Head to the websites below to find out more and start your learning.


Australia & New Zealand

Learn about World Certification Week in Australia & New Zealand.


South East Asia & India

Learn about World Certification Week in South East Asia & India.

Free Webinar: Why Upskilling is a Business Growth Priority in 2022

Join our webinar on Thursday, 5th May 12pm-1pm AEST | 10am-11am SGT to learn insights from our brand new research.
Join industry leaders from HubSpot, EngageRocket and Google who will share about the future of upskilling.

Organisations leading The Great Upskill

WCW CTA card brand partner header - aircall


Call center software for customer-centric teams.

WCW CTA card brand partner header - ER


Cloud-based software that helps leaders and organisations make better people decisions using real-time data

WCW CTA card brand partner header - Google

Google ANZ

Organising the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful.

WCW CTA card brand partner header - HS


The CRM platform for scaling companies with all the tools you need for marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.

WCW CTA card brand partner header - Seismic (3)


The global sales enablement leader

WCW CTA card brand partner header - Seismic (1)

Message Media

Australia's #1 SMS provider

WCW CTA card brand partner header - Seismic (2)

RISE by Digital BCG Academy

Unique application-based digital skilling programme in Singapore

WCW CTA card brand partner header - Seismic-1


Social and media intelligence platform that helps brands monitor, understand and influence their audience