Contact Management

Contacts are the heart of your marketing and sales strategies - they’re the real people inside of your software who help you grow your business. Having a contact management strategy for your database helps you boost your business revenue and accelerate productivity.

This resource is a comprehensive overview of everything you need to build a great contact management strategy.

Introduction to Contacts

What is the definition of a contact? How are they the heart of your business and what you need to know about getting started with managing them.

Introduction to Contacts

Your contacts are the heart of every piece of your marketing and sales strategy. Whether you have a database of five contacts or 10,000, you need to understand how you think about your contacts. Implementing a strategy for how you manage your contacts will help you and your business achieve the goal of higher engagement. Getting an introduction to contact management is the first step in achieving this goal.

What are Buyer Personas

When creating content, how do you know you're targeting the right people? A better question might be: who are they, how are you connecting with them, and how do you plan to draw them in with your marketing? The solution in the inbound world is:buyer personas. These buyer personas are how you understanding who you are engaging with and are going to need to fit into each section of your contact management strategy.

Contacts and Companies Connection

When you define the pillars of what makes you and your company successful, what do you look at? But regardless of the product you create, the service you provide, or the content you deliver, your contacts are going to be the center of your strategy. And with your contacts at the heart you will also need to understand the companies that they work for or are creating. That is why these two pillars of success are your contacts and companies.

Want to learn more about Contacts? Check out the Understanding Contacts lesson.

Database Management

You know what a contact is and where they live but how do you create a strategy to managing a database full of unique contacts?

Contact Database Health

Database health is one of the most important pieces of your contact management strategy. The more contacts you have, the bigger your sample size is. And the larger your sample size, the more accurate your analysis will be. The result? An improved ability to cater to the needs and interests of your contacts. Keeping your contact database up to date will ensure your database continues to work for you and not against you.

What is your Content Strategy?

What kind of information do you provide to your contacts? In what ways do you provide them such information? Through content, of course. So what is the best strategy to get content to your contacts? Develop a content strategy framework that works with search engines . Google now processes over 5.4 billion searches per day. That's a lot of people looking for information to problems they're trying to solve. Your content strategy will help you dominate search engines.

Segmenting your Contacts

How do you make sure you're selecting the right segment of people? Is your list even up-to-date? Segmenting your contacts database is important for many marketing tasks. One of the most important moments happens when you press "send" on an email. Because of the impact segmentation can have on your marketing efforts it is one of the key elements to your contact management strategy and will allow you to achieve the goal of higher engagement.

Lead Nurturing

What is lead nurturing? Why is it essential for managing your contacts and how can it help you drive success and revenue for your business?

Sending the Right Email

It is estimated that 269 billion emails are sent each day. That is a lot of email, and I bet you feel like you or your company are responsible for half of that. But how do you decide on when to send emails or more importantly, who to send your emails to and with what content? We know that email marketing is still important and is a crucial part of your inbound strategy. But the question here is: how do we send the right email to the right person at the right time?

What is Behavioral Email?

Behavioral email focuses on the idea that every interaction a user has with your company should have an expected and appropriate reaction.By looking at all the interactions and their responses to your reaction, you can start to develop a sense of your contacts' behavior. Each person in your contact database will tell you, by their actions, how often you should send them email. So how can you create a behavioral email strategy?

30 Days of Lead Nurturing

Think about the work you do day-to-day to capture, nurture, and ultimately close leads into customers. What types of content do you send out to them? How do you put together a lead nurturing campaign that helps your leads not only learn about your product or service but also get to know you as a business. By managing your contacts and segmenting them you can nurture them towards that desired action and ultimately close them as a customer.

Want to learn more about Lead Nurturing? Check out the HubSpot Academy lesson.


How do you prove the value of your marketing efforts and know what contacts helped you grow revenue for your business.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

We need more conversions. Why aren’t people converting on this page? How do we optimize our efforts for success? The heart of these questions is: how can I can connect with my contacts and nurture them to a conversion and eventually through a deal?With the campaign analytics tool in HubSpot you can now start to track and understand what affect your marketing assets have on your business -- but the bigger question is still looming: what is your strategy for optimizing?

Prove the Value of your Marketing Efforts

How do you know if your campaigns are successful? What information do you look at to determine their success? How do you know which contacts you reached, or if those contacts are old or new?Knowing what's happening with your contacts during a campaign is a crucial part of creating and proving revenue for your business.And if you can't track that, how can you be sure your marketing efforts are successful?

Creating a Contact Management Strategy for Growth

Your contacts are the heart of your marketing, sales and customer delight strategies. They’re the real people that you provide value to. In return, these are the people that help you grow your business. How can you develop a contact management strategy for your database that will help you boost your business’ revenue, accelerate productivity and grow your business?

Want to learn more about converting? Check out the HubSpot Academy Lesson.


Start Applying Your Contact Management Strategy Today

Email Marketing Certification