Apply to Become a HubSpot Certified Trainer

Open to individuals employed at a gold, platinum, diamond, or elite tiered HubSpot Solutions Partner.

HCT iconThe HubSpot Certified Trainer (HCT) program enables you to teach inbound and HubSpot.

With HubSpot behind your name, people can rest assured that your expertise, training, and delivery meet the high-quality standards set by HubSpot Academy.

How does it work?

Becoming a HubSpot Certified Trainer starts with an application. If you're accepted into the program, you'll then need to complete the course content to earn your official HubSpot Certified Trainer title.

  • First, confirm you have all the required prerequisites. Then complete the application form below.
  • Second, if you are accepted into the program, you must then complete the HubSpot Trainer Certification to become a HubSpot Certified Trainer. Upon completion, you'll receive your badge, and access to the HubSpot Certified Trainer resource center, community, and more.

Who is eligible to apply?

Users who wish to take part in the HCT program must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be employed at a gold, platinum, diamond, or elite HubSpot Solutions Partner.
  • Have a valid Inbound Marketing certification, Inbound Sales certification, HubSpot Marketing Software certification, and HubSpot Sales Hub Software (or the HubSpot Sales Software) certification.
    *To avoid delays, kindly confirm that your certifications are current and completed before submitting your application. Applications with expired certifications will not be considered. 
  • Have excellent public speaking and communication skills, an ability to deliver training that is creative and informative, and a passion and enthusiasm for inbound and education.
  • Be able to submit a minimum of two trainings per year on HubSpot or inbound. 

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Ready to apply? Complete the application form below.


Apply here:

Agency Information

Program Prerequisites
You must meet the following prerequisites to be eligible for this program. Not sure which certifications you have? Go to your "My team" page to find out.

Training Experience

Add your LinkedIn Profile URL
Answer in 250 words or less.
This can include any inbound and HubSpot or non-inbound and non-HubSpot related experience.