Social Media Lesson: Rounding Out Your Social Media Strategy for Continued Success

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In the social media field, platforms, algorithms, case studies, and approaches will always change. Sometimes this takes a few months, but others can change in a moment’s notice. We have to be adaptable and responsive to the changes each platform makes, but we also have to recognize how this will continue to raise challenges and bring forth new opportunities at the same time. We can always make assumptions to which social networks people will go to next, but to make official judgements on this, we have to look at the data and determine where exactly people are at. Understanding what works for your brand and the designated community on social media has to be done on a case-by-case basis. Social media is a many-legged beast, with a lot of information, content, and metrics to wrangle. But there are a few other things to think about when it comes to rounding out your social media strategy. In this lesson, you'll understand social media risk and governance, employee advocacy, and crisis strategies.

  • 4 Videos
  • 4 Quizzes
  • 42 min
  • Social Media
Lesson description
Social media is an evolving field, and understanding the challenges, risks, and opportunities for continued success is critical for social media professionals. Learn about the importance of understanding the governance and risks associated with social media through proactive word-of-mouth programs like employee advocacy and social media plans. In addition, social media activities are not only positive events but may offer new challenges with significant and negative consequences to a business. Having a crisis plan that’s adaptive and proactive is critical for social media success.

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Photo of Crystal King

Crystal King

Senior Professor

HubSpot Academy

Crystal King is a Senior Professor for HubSpot Academy with a focus on social media strategy. Crystal has led global social media and community programs for companies such as Pegasystems, Keurig, CA Technologies and Sybase. She has taught classes in writing, creativity and social media at Harvard Extension School, Boston University, Mass College of Art, UMass Boston and GrubStreet, one of the leading creative writing centers in the US. Crystal received her masters in critical and creative…

Photo of Laurie Meacham

Laurie Meacham

Laurie Meacham has worked in social media with JetBlue for over ten years. JetBlue was one of the earliest adopters of Twitter as a brand and has continued to be a leader in the social space. Laurie was instrumental in creating one of the first dedicated social media customer support teams. She’s shared best practices for social engagement on podcasts, at conferences, and through many interviews for articles. Her roles have expanded across social media to other digital communication channels.…

Photo of Karen Freberg

Karen Freberg

Karen Freberg (@kfreberg) is an Associate Professor in Strategic Communications at the University of Louisville. She is also an adjunct faculty member for the West Virginia University IMC Graduate Online program. Freberg has presented at several U.S. and international research conferences, including ones in Australia, Brazil, China, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. In addition to academic conferences, Freberg has presented at…

Photo of Todd Kunsman

Todd Kunsman

Todd is the Head of Marketing at EveryoneSocial, the leading employee advocacy platform. In his spare time, he also runs the personal finance website Invested Wallet and has been featured and quoted in numerous publications like Social Media Today, Business Insider, CNBC, Forbes, and many more. Outside of marketing, he is an avid traveler and hiker.

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