Understanding Behavioral Marketing and Customer Segmentation:

Understanding Behavioral Marketing and Customer Segmentation

FREE Lesson

Offer relevant content and lead nurturing through behavioral marketing.

  • 3 Videos
  • 1 Quiz
  • 32 min
  • Inbound Marketing
Lesson description
Marketers are expected to be everywhere with just the right message at the right time, but how can this be done effectively? In this lesson, you will learn how to utilize behavioral marketing and customer segmentation to streamline your inbound marketing.

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Photo of Christine Lee

Christine Lee

Christine was born in Hong Kong, but has lived all over the United States, and is now back in her home state of New Hampshire. Christine is passionate about empowering others to develop into all they're capable of, which is why she loves working at HubSpot. She has her masters in clinical mental health counseling and is also a practicing therapist. When not working, you can probably find her drinking coffee and hanging out with her dog, Dobby.

Photo of Scott Fahy

Scott Fahy

Scott Fahy is an accomplished marketing professional with over 20 years experience, predominantly in financial and bank marketing. An obsessive white-boarder, he solves complex marketing and operational challenges with elegant, user-centric solutions.

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