Become a HubSpot Academy Creator

Turn your HubSpot expertise into educational content that can reach a global audience on HubSpot Academy.

What is the HubSpot Academy Creator Program?

HubSpot Academy is proud to partner with subject matter experts, trainers, and content creators around the world, to expand our offering of educational experiences (both live and on-demand) to help organizations grow better.


With impactful and informal content, driven by a passion for organizational growth


Our global ecosystem with your thought leadership and expertise on topics and technologies around HubSpot


Your audience and your company while helping other organizations grow better


Thousands of HubSpot customers and learners with your expertise through a variety of educational experiences, live or on-demand

Who's a good fit to join?

Are you a Solutions Partner, App Partner, HubFan, or HubSpot Community Champion? Are you a content creator with a passion for helping organizations grow?

Are you passionate about sharing your expertise in marketing, sales, service? Are you the go-to expert on HubSpot's customer platform? Do you want to engage a global audience with educational content?

If you create video-based instruction for HubSpot customers and you’re looking for wider distribution opportunities for your lessons or courses; or if you’re interested in learning more about becoming a HubSpot Certified Trainer to conduct live trainings (like bootcamps, webinars, etc.); or if you're looking for ways to collaborate more closely with our HubSpot Academy team by lending your expertise as a Contributor or Reviewer, then you’ve come to the right place.

We are excited to welcome a diverse group of subject matter experts and educators who have a commitment to HubSpot and quality content. We look forward to collaborating with individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated expertise and experience in HubSpot-related technologies and related industry topics.
  • Strong ability to convey ideas effectively.
  •  Passion for storytelling and educational experiences.
  • Willingness to collaborate with others and contribute to a global community.
  • Dedication to producing high-quality, engaging content on a consistent basis.
  • Express a willingness and capability to keep on-demand content and live experiences  updated regularly to ensure relevance and value to our customers.

How do you join?

There are two paths for becoming an Academy Creator.

a. If you want to do live training and/or formal on-demand education like lessons and courses with HubSpot, then apply to be a HubSpot Certified Trainer today.

b. If you only want to do short-form video content (demos, tutorials, etc.) with us, then fill in our interest form

c. Not sure which path you want to start out on? Fill in the interest form and we'll be in touch. 

Collaborate and Create

Join the HubSpot Academy Creator Program
By becoming an Academy Creator, you'll have the opportunity to create and upload content within our Academy Studio. Once reviewed, if it meets our criteria, we will publish the content, which you can then promote, gaining visibility and recognition within the HubSpot ecosystem. If you are interested in providing live educational experiences, as a HubSpot Certified Trainer, you will get the inside track on providing virtual bootcamps and webinars around the world. 
Complete this form to express your interest in the HubSpot Academy Creator Program. 

Or if you are ready to start your journey as a HubSpot Certified Trainer, apply today

Frequently Asked Questions

The HubSpot Academy Creator Program is to meet the demand for increasing the amount of educational experiences available to global learners.

There are a couple of different kinds of Academy Creators in the HubSpot ecosystem. Read on to learn about the range of creators participating in the program, what they will be creating, and how they will be contributing to HubSpot Academy. 

HubSpot Academy Reviewers will review Academy content, and provide additional quality control by providing feedback on the educational experiences planned  for HubSpot Academy.

HubSpot Academy Contributors can gain exposure for themselves and/or their agency by providing short-form content for Academy, such as on-demand standalone videos (demos, tutorials, best practices – around 5 minutes long) real-world examples, industry-specific case studies and applications, relevant business scenarios, and other assets for on-demand education that can be used either on their own or also as contributions to larger HubSpot Academy lessons and courses.

HubSpot Certified Trainers (HCTs) are individuals who are enabled to teach inbound and HubSpot with support from HubSpot Academy. HCTs deliver trusted, real-life, peer-to-peer learning experiences through live training and on-demand educational content. HCTs have a strong desire to share their knowledge with others and can contribute in a variety of ways, such as leading HubSpot Academy bootcamps, or independently creating lessons and courses for the Academy app. HCTs can also contribute standalone, short-form video content (demos, tutorials, etc.) and provide the HubSpot Academy team with valuable, expert reviews of projects-in-progress. 

Fill out the HubSpot Academy Creator Program interest form to let our team know you're interested in creating content with HubSpot. Our team will review your submission and if it aligns with our requirements, we'll reach out to discuss next steps. 

The time commitment varies depending on the type of content Academy Creators choose to create and/or review. There's no set requirement, but those interested in creating lessons and courses independently, or conducting live education, would first need to become a HubSpot Certified Trainer. 

We offer different collaboration opportunities for Academy Creators to choose their level of contribution. 

Discover the benefits of joining the HubSpot Academy Creator Program:

  • The opportunity to be featured in the Academy app

  • Increase your exposure within the HubSpot ecosystem

  • Reach a global audience

  • Showcase your apps and external tools from the HubSpot Marketplace

  • Gain credibility for yourself and your company

  • Establish thought leadership

  • Attract new audiences to your services

  • Build relationships with HubSpot's internal teams and learn about the inner workings of HubSpot 

The prerequisites for becoming a Creator may vary depending on the desired Creator type.

For individuals wanting to do live training and on-demand content, including the creation of lessons and courses independently, individuals must become HubSpot Certified Trainers before joining the HubSpot Academy Creator Program.

While prior experience in creating content, including having one's own academies with video content, can be beneficial, it's not a requirement. As long as Academy Creators can adhere to our style guides, meet content requirements (such as delivering recordings in 1080p), and effectively communicate and collaborate with our team to produce final assets, they can be onboarded as Creators in the program.

Yes, Academy Creators are expected to maintain the accuracy of their content. This includes updating their assets to reflect any platform changes or developments. Academy Creators may be required to renew or provide updates periodically to ensure their content remains current in the Academy app.

The program provides resources, guidance, and opportunities for Academy Creators to develop their skills. Some resources include uploading tools to upload your content into the Academy app, as well as guides on creating video content, and technical assistance. The HubSpot Academy Creator Team will help you get set-up to upload your approved content into Academy Studio.

Yes, they can work with HubSpot Academy professors, and other HubSpot employees to create content. 

Solutions partners may even collaborate with app partners to create content, such as lessons on external apps from the HubSpot Marketplace. 

If you have already filled out the interest form, have reviewed our program website pages and the FAQ, please reach out to the team by emailing

Lesson proposals are accepted on a rolling basis, and we review submission templates throughout the year. 

The three main types of assets for submission are courses, lessons, and short-form content. 

A course comprises of a series of connected lessons focused on a specific topic, offering a comprehensive learning experience. This collection of lessons should provide a structured learning experience on a particular subject, guiding learners through a cohesive learning journey. 

A lesson is an individual component within a course, focusing on a specific aspect of the overall topic. Lessons are designed to offer detailed explanations and insights on a particular subtopic or skill. 

Short-form content refers to standalone videos typically ranging from 5-8 minutes in length. These videos focus on specific topics and may include demo videos, tutorials, and/or best practices. If an individual is submitting all three types of content, each component must be presented as a separate standalone short-form video to provide clarity for learners seeking specific information or skills. 

Creators can collaborate with other team members, but for lesson and course content, the HCT should be doing most of the on-camera work. 

Once the interest form is filled out, individuals will receive a link to topics for consideration. 

When creating content, consider exploring variations to offer diverse content options. For instance, instead of a general blogging course, consider intermediate or expert levels, specific industries, or niche topics like SEO and blogging. Think about different perspectives and insights that the learner may want to see to enhance their learning experience. 

The topics list undergoes occasional updates, so it's a good idea to check it periodically.

Nope! It's free to be a part of the HubSpot Academy Creator Program.