Certifications & Programs FAQ
General Certification Questions
In your HubSpot account, click your account name in the top right corner, then click HubSpot Academy.
In the Courses tab, scroll through your courses and certifications. For lessons or courses you've started, the progress meter below the title indicates the estimated time left in the certification or course.
Click the arrows in the upper right-hand corner of the course or scroll to see its lessons. Completed sections in each lesson are indicated with an orange circle and uncompleted sections, a gray circle.
Yes, you can swap certifications between your email addresses. In order to do so yourself, you will need to have access to both the email address your certifications are on and the email address that you want to swap your certifications
If you are unable to watch videos in HubSpot Academy, it’s likely that you have an internet or a firewall access problem. We recommend trying to watch the videos with a different browser, internet access or device to see if it is not simply limited to your current set-up. If you're still experiencing problems, try the more in-depth troubleshooting methods mentioned in this article.
If neither of those work, we recommend having your IT team whitelist anything coming from https://app.hubspot.com/learning-center/
Exam Questions
Yes, you can take the exam once it unlocks again in 12 hours. Use this 12-hour window to study the content and read the study guide. We are unable to unlock the exam early if you do fail it.
Following your exam, we send you an email breakdown with the questions you got correct and the ones you got incorrect. Note that the breakdown will not show the questions in the order you took them in the exam. Instead, it shows you the questions grouped by correct and incorrect.
We do not give out the answers to our exam questions even after completion, as our goal is to give everyone an equal opportunity when taking the exam. See the terms and conditions above for more details.
All of our certification tests are timed, and the timer starts as soon as you view the first page of questions. If you don’t finish the exam in the required time you will be locked out from taking it for 12 hours.
The test will unlock itself 12 hours after you received the notification that your time expired.
Certification Content Questions
Yes. If there are required practical exercises you will have to complete those in order to be awarded your certification. Here is more information on the practical exercises.
Badges & Certificates
Certifications for HubSpot products and software are valid for one year.
All other certifications are valid for two years.
Yes you can change the name on your certification badge by going into your HubSpot account and following these instructions.
The one exception is the Solutions Partner Certification. When you are awarded this, the badge will reflect the company and is not transferable.
Your badge represents all the hard work you put into earning a certification — and not to mention your inbound expertise. Show it off! Here are a few of the ways you can demonstrate your expertise:
- Add it to your website. You can use the badge embed code to add your badge to the HTML of your site or upload the image.
- Add your badge to your email signature.
- Add your badge to your LinkedIn profile or upload your certification by using the "Add to profile" feature. The "Add to profile" link will easily add your certification to your profile. Below, you’ll see an image that points to where you should select to add your certification to your profile.
After you pass your certification test, you'll be given your embed code.
We only offer company certifications to HubSpot partners. If your company is a HubSpot Partner, you can take the Solutions Partner Certification. We also offer the HubSpot Certified Trainer program currently for agencies. See below for more details.
The buyer persona exercise in the HubSpot Marketing Software Certification is the only current exercise that you can submit as a team. The rest need to be done by the individual.
We are certifying if someone actually did the work. Since the badge is awarded to an individual we want to ensure that the work that is graded was done by the individual.
Certification Expirations
Some certifications last one year and some last for two years. Please refer above to see how long each certification lasts.
You can also navigate to the in-app Learning Center and filter by “Expiring Soon” to see which certifications you may need to update. Here is a quick link for your expiring certifications.
Your new certification badge will extend from the recertification date. If there are required practical exercises, you will need to complete those as well if you haven’t already.
Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time without giving you prior notice. Your use of the HubSpot Academy or its certifications after any such modification constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by these terms as modified. If you don’t agree with these terms, you shouldn’t use the HubSpot Academy or its certifications.
If we provide you with a certification badge, certificate or other associated content, you may not alter the intended meaning or appearance of such certification badges, certificates, or associated content in any way.
Except as we describe below, all certification badges must include an individual's name. Companies or agencies are not permitted to put their company or agency name on a certification badge. This does not apply to our Partner Certification badge, which may include the Partner’s company or agency name.
Unless we otherwise agree in writing, no HubSpot Academy content (certifications included) can be sold or used for profit by you or your company or agency.
If you wish to write about the certification, or content, or share images and graphics being used - our request is that you do not release any specific test questions or answers, and link back to the certification program. More information on our content usage and guidelines can be found here: http://www.hubspot.com/content-usage-guidelines.
We will not release information about whether or not you have taken a test, how you performed, whether or not you submitted a practicum or other items related to your certification performance without your permission. This also means that if you are looking to understand how someone else performed on a certification, you’ll have to ask him or her directly, or get his or her permission to have this information sent to you. Providing the answers to exam questions or practicums is not allowed as each student needs a fair and equal opportunity to pass and receive their certification.
All certification participants must abide by all the other rules and criteria listed here on this page or otherwise applicable.
We may change the name or appearance of any certification badge as necessary and you must use the most up-to-date version.
Unless otherwise specified, all certification badges expire one year from the end of the month following when they were granted. Certification participants will need to renew their certification status on or prior to this expiration in order to retain access to the certification badge. For more information about HubSpot's Certification Expiration Policy, check out this page.
We might change access to certifications, requirements for pre-requisites for certifications, discontinue certifications, or elect to charge a fee for certifications at any time.
HubSpot Certified Trainer Program Overview
As a HubSpot Certified Trainer, you'll have access to the following benefits: (1) Comprehensive train-the-trainer online course, (2) Use of the "HubSpot Certified Trainer" digital badge to market your services, (3) Powerful, ready-to-use training and resources, (4) Membership to exclusive HubSpot Certified Trainer slack channel, (5) Listing on the HubSpot Certified Trainer directory.
Admission into the HubSpot Certified Trainer program begins with an application. If you're accepted into the program, you'll then need to complete the HubSpot Trainer Certification course to earn your official HubSpot Certified Trainer title. Upon passing, you'll receive your badge and access to the training resources.
There's no set time commitment, but here's some things you'll need to complete in order to become and remain a HubSpot Certified Trainer:
- Complete the HubSpot Trainer Certification exam and practicum. Similar to other HubSpot Academy certifications, this certification will consist of on-demand videos. After watching these videos, you'll complete a test and a practicum.
- In order to remain a HubSpot Certified Trainer, you'll need to deliver at least 1 in-person or online trainings on inbound or HubSpot every 6 months.
- You'll also want to keep in mind the time it takes to create and market your training. You can use the resources in your HubSpot Certified Trainer resource center to help create your training content.
HubSpot Certified Trainer Application Process
Admission into the HubSpot Certified Trainer program begins with an application. There will be open-enrollment windows and there will be a limit on the number of HCTs accepted per class. When the application period is open, you’ll find a link to the application page here.
It's best to have the any individual(s) who will be creating and delivering training apply to this program. Each individual who wants to become a HubSpot Certified Trainer must submit a separate application.
HubSpot Certified Trainer Resource Center
Education Partner Program
HubSpot's Education Partner Program provides college and university professors with everything they need to teach leading courses in marketing, sales, entrepreneurship, and communications.
Bring the theory and practice of running and growing a business into your classroom. Get access to the free software, resources, community, and support you need to give your students a competitive advantage in the job market.
If you have questions regarding the Education Partner Program please refer to their knowledge base here: https://help.hubspotedu.com/
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