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Education Partner Program History & Mission

Get to know the team behind HubSpot's Education Partner Program

Our Mission

Growth. Opportunity. Accessibility.

Resource. Talent. Equity.

These are just a few of the words our team uses to describe the mission of the Education Partner Program. In line with HubSpot's mission of helping millions of organizations grow better, our focus is on students and helping them grow through access to industry-leading resources that will aid them in preparing themselves for life after college. Our goal is to give students the opportunity to gain experience and exposure to CRM software so they can understand not only how to use a CRM, but the importance of utilizing a CRM as well.

Our History

The Education Partner Program was founded in September of 2016. Rooted in HubSpot's mission of helping millions of organizations grow better, the Education Partner Program seeks to help millions of students learn better.

Our founders, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, have instilled the values of equitable education and growth across our organization. The heart of the Inbound Methodology is rooted in education, the idea of adding value before you extract value, pulling instead of pushing, simply, education is at the core of HubSpot. The Education Partner Program is part of our commitment towards giving students around the world the tools and resources they need to be ready for an increasingly technological world, one with ever-changing market trends and concepts.

We saw that our partners who use HubSpot every day were looking for talent that could help them continue to grow their businesses while using HubSpot and the Inbound methodology. We saw that professors and educators around the world were actively working towards preparing their students for life after college. Seeing this on both ends, we wanted to play our part in ensuring the next generation can continue to help businesses grow better. Bringing HubSpot's industry-leading software, our world-class educational resources, and our certifications into the classroom is our commitment to helping millions of students learn better. 

Join the Movement

Join our driven and passionate community of Education Partners to create an amazing experience for your students.