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EPP Get Started Guide

Welcome to HubSpot’s Education Partner Program, also known as the EPP! This guide is designed to inspire you (the instructor) with ideas and take you on a tour on how to incorporate HubSpot resources into your classroom. We hope this helps contextualize applied learning to introduce students to new technologies, develop their digital skills, and enhance their professional development for career opportunities. Explore, enjoy, and happy teaching!

1. Define Your Vision

As education partners, we are excited to work together with you in developing your students' skills and connecting them to opportunities! Here are some questions to consider in defining your vision of incorporating HubSpot into your class.

As a HubSpot Education Partner, you and your students have access to a variety of resources that the Education Partner Program (EPP) offers. You have the freedom to incorporate as little to as much of our tools to complement your teaching goals!

Examples include:

Some professors in our program focus only on assigning certifications
Others will dive deeper in creating applied learning experiences using the software
Some encourage students to apply to micro-internships to gain real-life experience of working with a client

Before implementing our resources, we recommend understanding where you stand in terms of your teaching objectives, HubSpot level, and class format (these next 3 questions) and then explore all of our offerings to decide what best fits you and your students' needs under Step 2. Explore Our Resources.


Do you already have a syllabus or curriculum in mind? 

Yes: You can complement* your syllabi with HubSpot Academy lessons and certifications, and have students practice their skills in the software. For example, you could assign 1-2 certifications for students to complete before the end of the semester.

No: You can explore our Teaching Resources page for sample syllabi and assignment ideas, as well as find inspiration with the below complementary resources*.

*Whether you are teaching Marketing, Sales, Entrepreneurship, or other topics, you can find relevant and complementary content via:

Teaching Resources

HubSpot Academy - use the search bar to find Lessons, Short courses, and Certifications

Learning Paths - curated for specific roles that students may be interested in pursuing after graduating

Have you used HubSpot before, either professionally or to teach your class?

For all Levels (including Beginners):

Whether you are brand new to HubSpot or very familiar, we recommend the following prior to introducing HubSpot to your students:

  1. Take HubSpot Academy certifications, especially HubSpot Software Certifications* to get familiar with the software and all the tools within
  2. Play around and experiment with the enterprise tools in your EPP Portal. This allows you to familiarize yourself with HubSpot and the enterprise tools available to you and your students.

Once more comfortable, depending on your class's subject, you can add students to your EPP portal to give them access to enterprise tools and all certifications, which you will learn how to set up during Step 3. Set Up and Implement.

*HubSpot Academy offers "Software Certifications" and "HubSpot-Agnostic Certification" (industry best practices). We especially recommend HubSpot "Software Certifications" because they require practical exercises to be completed in the software, and you and your students have access to these types of certifications for free by being in the EPP. Click here for more information and for a list of these certifications.


As you and your students become more familiar with HubSpot tools, your students can practice with the software tools beyond the practical exercises in the HubSpot Software Certifications. You can utilize our sample projects and assignment ideas from our Teaching Resources, or create your own applied learning experiences.

Examples of these include: 
Students can can work on a website and have each subsequent new class continue to grow and improve it, such as a blog focused on providing resources by students, for students, and documenting their journey as a student (such as
Our case study projects on the Teaching Resources page, such as the Social Media Audit, Brand Engagement Project, or the Business Project, are turnkey solutions to providing a A-Z run through of HubSpot’s tools
Your class could create a fictional business (that does not generate revenue) and attract, engage, and delight website visitors
They could help an on campus club run their marketing and operations
Students can also use the CMS tool to create their own online portfolio, using our Building a Portfolio resource.


If you and your students are very familiar with HubSpot tools, you could consider creating a student-run agency that works with local clients.

We can also help you find a HubSpot customer in your area, if your students would like to work directly with a real business.

There is one caveat to all of this :The software we give you as part of this program software cannot be used to generate revenue. Common examples of lead generation include sales for a business, college or university admissions and running university operations.  Adhering to User Agreement, allows for our program to continue providing enterprise level software for free to professors and students.

So how do we work around this?
Applied learning experiences are still possible with a real client, and here are two options:

Option One: Clients may already have their HubSpot account or they can sign up for one. The client can then add you and your students to their portal and there are no constraints from the EPP side.

Option Two: If you're client is asking for a consulting recommendation,  you and your students could use the EPP portal to create mock ups of campaigns and marketing and present it to the client while adhering the EPP User Agreement of using the software for academic learning purposes and not commercial use.


As a HubSpot Education Partner, you receive an enterprise portal, which is the highest tier of tools that HubSpot offers and is the actual business software that thousands of companies use!

The best way to think about "translating" this portal into a classroom setting would be:

1 Portal : 1 Company : 1 Class
SuperAdmin of the portal : Owner or Manager : Professor (you)
Users of the portal : Employees of company working in portal : Your students learning in the portal
There are many benefits of adding students to your EPP portal, instead of having them sign up for their own free (limited) HubSpot account, which include:

Giving your students free access to Enterprise tools
Giving your students free access to all HubSpot Academy certifications, including HubSpot Software Certifications
SuperAdmins (Professors) have full visibility of students' certification progress and work in the software
All students have their own account and log in for the portal
Their certifications progress and work is private to them

Their portal work and content created can either be individual or collaborative with other students
SuperAdmins (Professors) can divide student users into teams if needed, and decide which students have access to which assets via asset partitioning (intermediate to advanced level)

Do you have a single class, multiple classes, multiple instructors, or perhaps an entire cohort?

We know classes come in all shapes and sizes. By default, a HubSpot Education Partner is given one EPP enterprise portal that you can add up to 2500 students to. Depending on your class(es)'s structure, there are possibilities of potentially having more than one portal if needed. Here's our recommendation on how to structure your portal(s) depending on your class format:

Single Professor:

With One Class: One portal is sufficient. You are the "SuperAdmin" user and can add your students as "Student" users.

With Multiple Classes:

One portal is sufficient for this if any of the following applies:

You plan to only assign certifications

You plan to have students create content in the portal and either don't mind students being able to see other students from other classes or plan to organize students into teams
Step 3. Set Up and Implement will discuss the possibilities of organizing students into teams and "asset partitioning", which controls what they have access to. 

Multiple Professors or Cohort Learning:

Co-teaching the same class: One portal is sufficient for the one class and the main SuperAdmin (Professor) can either 1) add other professors as fellow SuperAdmin users or  2) create a custom user such as "Admin" with unique permissions to give fellow instructors more permissions than students, but not be the main SuperAdmin (this will be shown in Step 3. Set Up and Implement). Co-instructors for the same class not needing their own portal do not need to apply for the program as you are sharing an EPP portal and you will be the main SuperAdmin responsible for the portal.

Teaching separate classes: If you have a colleague or professor teaching an entirely separately class, they can apply for our program here (same process that you followed to join the program) and they will receive their own unique EPP portal after being approved. The more the merrier!


2. Explore Our Resources

Before implementing HubSpot into your classroom, familiarize yourself with a variety of our resources and opportunities to inspire new ideas for your classroom and your students' applied learning experience.

Software and Skill-Development Resources

Job Readiness and Career Resources

3. Set Up and Implement

Adding Students to the EPP Portal

Follow these steps in the Account Set Up Guide

This guide includes how to set up your account, add students, assign certifications and answers frequently asked questions

Questions and Support

Do you have any questions after reviewing the above guide? Learn how to get support from HubSpot and the EPP below


HubSpot Academy - From short courses to comprehensive certifications, students have the opportunity to learn email and content marketing, social media, SEO, sales strategies and more. Students can add globally recognized certifications to LinkedIn profiles to show employers their expertise.


Free Business and Marketing Resources - More than 500 Ebooks, guides, templates and webinars created by HubSpot to help businesses grow and strategize. Topics include SEO, Buyer Personas, Social Media, Sales and more.